URINAL ODOUR ELIMINATOR AND DRAIN URIC ACID DEGRADERUNIQUE FEATURES OF URINE-XIt doesn't just mask the odor but contains an active odor counteracting agent.This is the step to an integrated approach to sanitation where human excreta is contained, sanitized and recovered for use in soil systems to enhance agricultural production.Deactivates the crystallized urine deposits rendering them inactive. Digests the source of protein odors such as urine, feces, milk, blood, and more.Kill the hepatitis b group virus. Kills the bacteria which feed off the residues and which contribute to the ongoing odor problems. Stop or reverse the yellow discoloration caused by urine contamination

- Bioxcell Life Sciences Private Limited
- H.NO. - 22-71, Kanukunta, Lingampalli,
BioXcell is located in Hyderabad, India, a pharmaceutical and Biotechnology hub. We take great PRIDE in fact that our products are of the higher quality with extensive range to meet or exceed our customer requirement and Expectation. At BioXcell we believe in strict adherence to current good manufacturing practices and in building values for our customers by providing both product and services of international standards. Our products thus confirm the global standards ensuring consistent availability of a world-class product. Thus BioXcell is “to manufacture & market products of highest purity using advanced technology for the global market to meet or exceed customers Satisfaction’’. The major goal of the company is to identify, source, characterize, optimize and produce several beneficial microorganisms useful for Agricultural Soil Conditioning Aquatic Animal Pond Water and Soil Treatment, Bio-pesticides, Bio-Agri inputs, Bio-Medicals Composting of Agri residues like Coir Peat Cooling to
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